Water – Nature’s liquid gold!

Drinking fresh, clear water is crucial for health and well-being, but many people do not consume enough water each day. Around 60% of the body is made up of water, and around 71% of the planet’s surface is covered by water. Perhaps it is the ubiquitous nature of water that means drinking enough each day is… Read more »

Light: Nature’s Healing Rays

After extensive studies, scientists are finally beginning to fully understand the crucial effect that light has on our internal systems, and therefore, our overall health! Light receptors in our eyes communicate directly with the brain, synchronizing the circadian clocks that affect our immune system, appetite, mood, energy and pain tolerance. When light enters your eyes it’s… Read more »

As We Age…..things to watch out for…….

As our fitness industry expands, there are more and more ‘mature’ athletes moving into the physique movement, and more sports science is required to help explain this unique cohort. As a ‘vintage’ athlete, we ARE different because our aging bodies are different, especially as a woman, and at 40+ there is a difference, but at… Read more »