Metabolism FIRST, weight loss second…

Soooo many women focus on weight loss the wrong way! Real weight loss cannot happen (and be sustained) through diets, calorie cutting and cardio!

In fact, these tactics ensure that you DOWN REGULATE (weaken) your metabolism! And there it stays, for years, because that’s what you know, that’s what you’ve been taught.

But it’s not working, is it….?

Women need to stop looking at weight loss first, and start look at strengthening their metabolism! THAT is the missing link here!

It’s not about ‘metabolism-boosting foods’ either. Really. Like that broccoli is going to help you lose that belly fat, or those raspberry ketones will give you a lean, shapely butt? Fads, fads, fads….

Metabolism FIRST, weight loss SECOND. End of story. It’s called creating metabolic resilience!

Yes, you CAN, even at your age! I know! I’m 56 and my metabolism is solid, and working extremely well, but that’s because I have trained it to do so…after years of dieting abuse, calorie restrictions, and ‘junk cardio.’ I learned, so you can too!

We take a magnifying glass to metabolism in my 10-Week Best Shape Challenge, because it is soo vitally important to our health, our mindset, and how we approach EVERYTHING! AND we can walk away with a lean, tight body that doesn’t fear food, doesn’t count every morsel, and doesn’t have you spending your precious time on worthless, time-consuming cardio and exercise programs.

Let’s LOVE our metabolisms back into a place of strength and proper conditioning! Isn’t it time, ladies?

We start in 4 weeks!