On becoming conscious….

As I progress along this fitness journey, I have come to recognize that often, women don’t need yet another fitness routine, or eating plan.

Yes, these things help, for sure, but what has become more evident, the longer I work with women of all ages, and the longer my group work has been around is that there is one missing element amongst it all…going within.

This is scary stuff, but as we de-layer our work, ask questions, dig a bit more, we see how unconscious our lives have become. What is needed is clarity, honesty, a slow down of life, a dismantling of all that ‘stresses’ us out (I don’t like the word stress…it’s become a go-to phrase for things that we need to look at in our lives, really).

That is why I am offering my Walk with SPIRIT course in the New Year, to help women formulate a new language, to lift us out of their one dimensional life, and into a three dimensional one, where life moves with ease, where we live and work from ‘higher ground’, and where they learn to live and love from a Source that is ever present, expanding and purposeful.

It’s time…

So in 2018, endeavor to dig in, do some soul work, and move yourself to a higher offering. Join us. And let’s get into some Spirit, shall we? We’ll walk the walk together…

– karen


Walk with SPIRIT! 12 Week Telecourse.  

(Members discounts applies).