Simple Summer Eating

It’s such a beautiful time of year! Gardens are overflowing with gifts from the ground and we are so fortunate to have a diverse selection of produce to choose from – hearty greens, colourful peppers, juicy red tomatoes, crispy beans and more.

I’m blessed to have many of the vegetables we eat at my fingertips. I find taking time in the garden to weed, water and gather is a wonderful way to decompress and connect with the earth and my spirit. As I gather my veggies, I envision what I’m going to create in the kitchen, keeping it quick and simple. Here are a few ways you can take your veggies from the garden to your kitchen table.

Green Beans

  • In a large pot, bring water to a boil. Add beans and cook until desired tenderness (I like mine crisp so I boil just until they are a beautiful green colour).
  • After the beans are cooked take them one more step and sauté them with garlic and olive oil.
  • Or make a dressing of Dijon mustard, olive oil, apple cider vinegar and a hint of honey for sweetness and drizzle over cooked beans. Toss until coated and enjoy.

Swiss Chard

  • Can be eaten raw or cooked (raw tends to be less bitter than cooked).
  • Add these nutrient-rich leaves to a salad.
  • Toss into a stir fry or soup.
  • Use them as a wrap.
  • Sauté with garlic, olive oil and sprinkle with lemon juice and sea salt.



  • Slice and put tomatoes on a plate. Sprinkle with goat cheese, fresh basil, olive oil and sea salt.
  • Turn them into spaghetti sauce



  • Chop into small pieces and add to tuna or chicken salad for an extra crunch.
  • Toss them in a salad – cut them into bite-sized pieces or strips.
  • Stuff with cooked chicken, vegetables and spices or go vegetarian and add quinoa (
  • Top off your pizza with plenty of colourful, sliced peppers.
  • They make great dippers for hummus or salsa.

Top off your plate with a healthy protein recipe such as Spiralized Veggie & Chicken Wraps or Oven Fried Chicken and enjoy the many ways you can eat your vegetables this summer!

