Sugary, sticky pastries all in a row…how do YOU see it…?

Dear Warrior Woman…

What do YOU see when you look at a pastry case?

Many women feel the warm embrace of a sugary, comforting donut or cookie. An old friend in times of angst. 

Other women see a ‘reward’ of sorts, after a long, hard day at the office. Still others see it as an enticement, a draw, something they feel powerless against.

I used to feel that way too…powerless, drawn in. Oohh…sooooo good!

But it’s all changed. Today, when I walk by the pastry case, I feel no draw, no pull, no feeling of missing out. I see it all as ‘dead food’, and I am not enticed at all.

But it wasn’t always that way. Ask any of my gals, they know my story…living in Banff, and at 2 a.m. (after work), I would often drive over an hour into Calgary to buy a 6 pack of Tim Hortons donuts (in those days, we had no Tim Hortons, and nothing open after 11 p.m.). By the time I got home, they would all be woofed down, and I would fall into  Timmie-induced sleep, full of sugar and such!

Oh boy. THIS kind of eating is madness, the binge / purge. The out-of-control thinking. The desperation.

But today, I’m over it. Sure, the ‘shift’ didn’t happen over night, and it wasn’t by any precribed diet, pill, or other. Hard lessons learned on a hard Path.

I just decided I had had enough. Years of it. And finally, I learned to see my body as this amazing machine, this dear vessel, that I had bused with drugs and alcohol, and yes, sugar, for too many years.

I no longer wanted to feel the guilt or the shame or the pain of being in this place, stuck, out of control, hating my body and my choices and my life.

See, breaking the vicious binge/purge cycle is less about the food and is ALL about the mindset – changing habitual ways of thinking, looking at the REAL reasons we treat ourselves in this way. Poor food choices, and lack of success in fat loss is due to our emotional state, and we often use food to replace or mask other feelings – regret, anger, sadness, guilt, not feeling loved….do any of these click with you?

‘Everything is an inside job‘. You can’t craft a strong, lean body, if you’re not nourishing your inner world. We work from the inside out, as we nourish our personal growth, let go of outdated beliefs, know our patterns, shift our conditioning, which allows us to eat, train and live from a place of personal power, lightness, ease and joy. This truly is the best part of my work!

Let’s stop the madness ladies. Let’s live like adults in and adult world, in charge of our lives and our bodies. Because you deserve it…you deserve to be free, and live with ease and confidence, in a body that you love and admire.

– coach Karen